Brands I've Worked With

I'm Obsessed with: Experience-focused brands, Aviation, Travel & Leisure, Events & SMB Services.
Currently: Founder @ // Growth Marketing Advisor // Co-founder of Chickadee Events
Previously: Director of Marketplace @ Aircraft for Sale, Growth Marketing @ RVshare, Chief Marketing Officer @ Grypmat (Shark Tank backed), Founder @ Life Nomading Adventures
Fun Facts About Me You Can Bring Up To Break The Ice When We Meet: I flew an airplane by myself before I drove a car by myself. I spent over a year living and working from an RV. I currently live on a mountain and work via Starlink.
I'm available for select advising opportunities for brands looking to go from "0 to 1" or "1 to 3" with their growth marketing.
Schedule time below and we'll see if I can help steer your (rocket)ship in the right direction!